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Attendance/ Student Management

Enrollment Requirements

Welcome to Manchester  City Schools
Welcome to Manchester City Schools


Any student entering Manchester City Schools for the first time must present the following documents to enroll:

1.     A birth certificate or officially acceptable evidence of date of birth at time of registration

2.     Evidence of a current (within a year) medical examination (recorded on the TN Dept. of Health Certificate of Immunization form)

3.     Evidence of state-required immunizations (also recorded on TN Dept. of Health Certificate of Immunization form)

4.     Proof of legal custody (if applicable)

5.     Proof of address (within Manchester City Limits)

6.     Parent Driver License

6.     Social Security Number (not required, only requested)


Student enrollment may be completed at the following locations:


During summer vacation, new students may enroll at the Manchester City School Central Office, located at 215 E. Fort St., Manchester, TN 37355.

At the beginning of school, students enroll at the school in their zone.




The name used on the records of a student entering school must be the same as that shown on the birth certificate unless evidence is presented that such name has been legally changed through a court as prescribed by law.  If medical conditions exist that school personnel should be aware of, parents shall make such conditions known when the student is enrolled.  Students enrolling for the first time in Manchester City Schools shall be assigned to a school through this procedure:

1.     After the parent/guardian has completed the initial application for enrollment, the Education Information Systems Specialist will check for proper zone and make sure that space is available in the appropriate grade level for the student.

2.     The student shall then be accompanied by his/her parent/guardian to the school in his/her zone.  The building principal or designee will complete the enrollment process. 

If a student’s residence within the city limits of Manchester changes during the school term, causing the student to be attending a school out of zone, he/she may complete the year in the school in which he/she is enrolled.  Students who move into another school zone when school is not in session; e.g., summer vacation, will attend the school in the zone in which he/she lives.  Students residing outside the city limits of Manchester must pay tuition before enrolling in the Manchester City Schools.  If for some reason the parent/guardian wishes the child to attend school out-of-zone, a form is available from the Administration Office.  Such applications must be filed each year that the student wishes to attend school out of his/her zone.  No policy will conflict with the placement of children in special education classes nor the moving of children for adjustment purposes even though children of the same family might be placed in different schools.  When it is necessary to transfer students from one school zone to another in order to meet state maximum class size requirements, the transfer will be made, insofar as possible, in the following order:

1.     Students whose parents volunteer for their child or children to be transferred.

2.     Students whose parents/guardians live outside the Manchester School District.

3.     Students whose parents/guardians live out of zone of the school they are attending.

4.     Children of employees of the school system who attend school out of zone.

5.     The shortest geographical distance from residence of parents/guardians to the school, as measured by automobile odometer.

The Manchester Board of Education reserves the right to transfer students from one school zone to another.

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Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 46.27ËšF

Feels Like: 42.6ËšF

Wind Speeds: 7.18mph

Weather humidity: 85%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Information

Manchester City Schools
800 Parks St.
Manchester, Tennessee 37355
Phone: 931-728-2316
Fax: 931-728-7075